Winner: Chairpersons Enterprise of The Year Award

Collective Design Agency Receives Prestigious Chairperson’s Enterprise of the Year Award

Perth, Western Australia – Nov 30th 2023

We are thrilled to announce that the building design team Collective Design Agency, owned and operated by the Keira Nicholson, has been honoured with the Chairperson’s Enterprise of the Year award by the Kalamunda Chamber of Commerce. This recognition is a testament to the agency’s dedication to excellence in the field of building design and accessibility.

Collective Design Agency is known for its unwavering commitment to making spaces more inclusive and accessible for all. They have been at the forefront of promoting accessibility in building design, utilising the Liveable Housing Australia standards to create spaces that are both functional and welcoming to everyone.

Based in the picturesque Perth hills areas, Collective Design Agency has made a significant impact on the local community and beyond. Their expertise extends to both residential and commercial design and drafting, ensuring that every project they undertake is executed with precision and innovation.

Keira Nicholson, the driving force behind Collective Design Agency, expressed her gratitude for the award, saying, “This recognition means the world to us. It validates our passion for creating accessible and aesthetically pleasing spaces. We are proud to be part of the Perth hills community and look forward to continuing our mission of making the world more inclusive, one design at a time.”

The Chairperson’s Enterprise of the Year award acknowledges the agency’s outstanding contributions to the field of building design and its dedication to creating spaces that are not only beautiful but also accessible to all.

Collective Design Agency’s commitment to excellence and accessibility has set a high standard in the industry, and this award is a well-deserved acknowledgment of their hard work and innovation.

As they continue to shape the future of building design in the Perth hills areas, we can only anticipate more remarkable achievements from Collective Design Agency and Keira Nicholson. Congratulations once again on this well-deserved honour!

You can see all the enterprise winners on the Echo News website

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